20 Hissterically Creative Ways People Cat-Proofed Their Christmas Trees Because These Feline Felons Will Not Win This Year
Everyone knows that when it comes to Christmas time, cats celebrate too. In their own ways. Sometimes, we can’t tell if cats love Christmas or if cats hate it with their entire souls. Because the war between cats and Christmas is very much real. Cats fight Christmas trees as if they are their sworn enemies. They do not stop. The sudden tree that appears in their house every year along with all the shiny and sparkly stuff that is on it is too much to resist.
And some cat owners, like the ones who work so hard on making their trees as pretty and sparkly as pawssible every single year, are done with their work getting disrespected like that. So, they have decided to take Christmas into their own hands and make sure their cats won’t be able to war with the trees this time. So, they cat-proofed their trees. Or at least they tried to.
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