Hollywood News

The Osmond Siblings: Get To Know Donny and Marie’s Brothers

You know all about Donny Osmond and Marie Osmond, but did you know that they have a few more siblings? And “a few” is probably an understatement as Donny and Marie have seven other famous brothers!

Donny and Marie, as well as their siblings Virl Osmond, Tom Osmond, Alan Osmond, Merrill Osmond, Wayne Osmond, Jay Osmond and Jimmy Osmond, were all raised by parents Olive Osmond and George Osmond. The proud mom and dad were married in 1944 and remained a pair until Olive’s death in 2004. George sadly died just three years later in 2007.

As fans of the iconic Osmond clan know, Donny and Marie reached mainstream fame with their 1976 variety series Donny & Marie, but they weren’t the only ones in the family that went the music route.


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