The women of The Six Triple Eight went to Jennifer Hudson’s talk show, presumably their last stand for the movie as we head into a light week — and also, it came out on Netflix on Dec. 6. The photographer did not caption them in the correct order, but from my Googling I believe they are, left to right: Kylie Jefferson, Milauna Jackson, Ebony Obsidian, Kerry Washington, Jennifer Hudson (not in the movie obviously), Pepi Sonuga, Sarah Jeffery, Shanice Shantay, Moriah Brown. I haven’t heard much about whether the film is good or bad, but they all look lovely and I really hope we all fire it up over the break to demonstrate to Netflix that there IS interest in stories about women and about Black women in particular. They don’t even HAVE to be badass war heroes, although that’s pretty cool perk here.
[Photos: Chris Haston/WBTV via Getty Images]
#Triple #Ladies #Delightful